It is only fair to begin by sharing some of what has been over the course of the past several months so that I can get to where is now. My four Angel Daughters are all doing well as they continue to evolve and grow into the incredible young women that they are. I cannot even tell you how very lucky I feel to be their momma. They are kind, loving, bright, unique, compassionate, beautiful, creative, effervescent souls finding their way in the world experiencing both the bumps and the beauty of the road.
Angel Daughter Number One is twenty-five years old now.(actually closer to twenty-six!) It is sometimes difficult for me to remember that she truly is a self-sufficient young woman, and not my child to shelter from the world. I am learning. She is pretty good about being Angel Daughter Number "One" and allowing me to "practice" on her. I know that there are times when she still rolls her eyes at me but for the most part, she humors me by letting me have my say and then politely expresses her own thoughts on things. She is doing her very best to achieve her dreams as she auditions frequently for commercials(receiving many, many callbacks!) while subsidizing her income as a tour guide at Universal Studios, working for a catering company which caters mainly to the very rich and very famous in Los Angeles, Christmas caroling throughout the holidays(Which is where we were when the photo above was taken, she was on break.), volunteering as a Big Sister to a sweet teenage girl, and taking classes to continue her theatrical education. She recently completed some spots for MGM, Kia and Comcast. Her goal for 2013 is to book a national television commercial. I know that she can do it! I will let you know when and where to watch it once she has fulfilled this goal.
We celebrated Angel Daughter Number Four's nineteenth birthday in the beginning of February. Hard to believe that this is her last year of being a "teenager" and my last year of being the mom of a teenager! I have been doing this for so long that I can hardly remember what it was like before we entered the years of changing/raging hormones, first loves, and the battles for independence. I actually think that it will be quite a relief to know that all four of my girls have made it safely past the teenage years once AD4 hits twenty. I have loved something about every stage of parenting so far, but I must admit that being the momma of four teenage daughters at once, managed to bring out a few more grey hairs than I was prepared for. I suppose that is the price that I have paid for enjoying the joys of having a large family. I would not change the experience for anything in the world. Anyway, AD4 is still dancing her way into people's hearts, going to community college(for now), teaching dance classes to little ones through teens, and transforming into a beautiful young woman.
Angel Daughter Number Three will be twenty-one in March. In some ways, I think I have seen the biggest changes in her over the course of the past year. She is attending community college but will have completed her AA degree in the spring. We are waiting to hear from several universities that she applied to so that she can complete her Bachelors degree in the next couple of years. Everyday she comes home and asks whether or not anything has arrived for her in the mail so I know that she is ready. She has worked at the same jewelry store for the past four years. It has become like a second little family to her and she has learned so much from working there. It took her a long time to heal after the break-up between her and her boyfriend of two and a half years, but she has evolved into a much more self-assured and confident young lady since then. She is getting ready to choose a university and then move out of our home which for some reason, will be the most difficult one for me so far. I am very excited for her. AD3 does not do anything unless she is ready to do it and so, I know that the time for her to leave the nest is growing quite near. Still, there is something very bittersweet about knowing that one of my youngest Angels will soon be spreading her wings. However, in my heart, I know that she will soar.
Since I was last here, not only have we celebrated birthdays, but we have also celebrated births. This gorgeous little man is Hudson. He is the grandson of one of my oldest and dearest friends, Donna. I have known Donna since I was twelve and her husband, Keith, since I was sixteen. When Mark and I moved to California many moons ago, we never thought that we would get the chance to raise our children together as we had planned to do as kids. That was until Donna and Keith decided to move their family out to Las Vegas over a decade ago! Since then, we have made a point of it to get together as often as possible. We have shared births and deaths. With each passing year, our friendship becomes even more important to me. Donna has four grandbabies now and I consider each one to be my grand-neice or grand-nephew. Her children are my nieces and nephews and my daughters are her nieces. Chosen family. I am very blessed to have them.
These were taken at Disneyland celebrating Scarlett's second birthday. Aubri is the oldest. She is such a bright little girl and I love her so much. Little Scarlett is Hudson's older sister.Sorry, I lost my mind for a moment there. While we were waiting for the concert to begin, we ran into this gorgeous hunk of a man, I mean, Rob Lowe. He was standing right behind AD4 and I looked at her and mouthed the words, "Rob Lowe is standing right behind you!" AD4 yelled out, "Who???" and again I mouthed, "Rob Lowe" to which she turned around to look at him and her mouth dropped. She then said to me, "I don't know who Rob Lowe is, but he sure is handsome!" I must admit that he was a really nice guy. Very down-to-earth and very friendly. When Mark introduced him to our four daughters, he slapped him on the back and wished him good luck.
Rob's younger brother, Chad Lowe, was also at the concert. At one point when we were chatting with them, Mark asked Chad if he was also in the acting business. He chuckled and said yes. We later found out that he has been the winner of a Grammy and that he is a regular on the TV series, Pretty Little Liars"! Boy, did we feel silly. I do not think that Chad was insulted at all because he ended up hanging out with Mark and I for most of the concert. He was even nicer than Rob. Rob wandered off for a major part of the show and so Chad just stuck with us. There was nothing pretentious about him. He told us about his newborn baby daughter and his three year girl. We had a great time just hanging out with another serious Bruce fan.
The man is sixty-two years old and he crowd surfs!! He crowd surfs! Enough said...
The love of my life with the loves of our lives.
This is Angel Daughter Number One and her boyfriend, Matt. We met him for the first time a couple of weeks ago and he definitely seems like a keeper. They went to college together but never dated when they were there. They reconnected recently and began dating several months ago. He is going to be completing his internship for his PHD over the course of the next year and then he will be a doctor. Not an MD, but a PHD which is even better because they do not have the crazy hours! I am rooting for them. They make a very sweet couple. As long as my Angels are happy, I am happy:)
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Becca-Lynn October 21, 1998-December 29, 2012 |
And finally, very sadly, I said good-bye to my beloved fourteen year old best friend, Becca, at the end of December. She was doing well until she wasn't and she began to go downhill very quickly towards the end. It was one of the hardest and saddest decisions that I have ever had to make, but she went very peacefully in our home, on her own bed. We had a vet come to our house so that Becca would not have to experience the stress of being brought to the vet's office which she hated. The vet was extremely gentle and Becca fell asleep looking into my eyes. She was such an amazing dog and a very loyal friend and companion. She stood by me at times when I might have withered away without her love. I am so grateful for the time that we had together and I will miss her for the rest of my life.
These are some of the moments which have passed during my absence. Life is always filled with moments that make us want to run away and moments that make us want to stay for awhile. It is up to us to remain present during all of these times because they are all valuable. They are all teaching moments, and they truly are all we have in the end.
Thank you for sticking with me and for spending the time to walk for awhile on this road along side of me. I look forward to reconnecting with you and to catching up with the many moments that I have missed in your lives. There is a time for everything in our lives, and for me, it is time to return to the moment. To the now, to here, to life. L'Chaim.