Fly, baby, fly...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Life in Pictures-Part Two, Learning to Fly
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Life in Pictures-Part One
I promise more pictures very soon. Graduation was wonderful! Thank you so much for all of your lovely comments and prayers for my Dad. He is doing better, but unfortunately, will have to make some life-style changes in the coming months.
I miss all of my dear blogging friends and will spend some time catching up with everyone in the next few days.
Wishing you sun-filled, lemonade sipping, happy summer days ahead! Oh yes, and remember not to blink...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Stepping Away From the Chaos
What are some of the things that you do in order to re-connect with your spirit? Do you find it difficult to allow yourself to step away from things for a while, or is this something which has become a part of your daily routine? I would love it if you would share your thoughts about this in the "comments" section. If you haven't commented here before, I would really enjoy hearing from you, as well! You never know when what you have to add might enhance someone else's life.
On another note:
AD2 is graduating from High School tomorrow! It definitely has not sunk in yet, but I am sure that it will when I see her in her cap and gown. It will be bittersweet, as my dad, who is very close to AD2, will not be able to attend. My father was very ill and was hospitalized last week. He started out with food poisoning(possibly tomatoes!), and he became so dehydrated that they hospitalized him. Thank God they did, because he was on the verge of having a stroke. They found some serious heart problems, which we are addressing right now. He is home, but the doctors are still trying to stabilize him with some very heavy-duty medications. He must go in each day for blood-work so that the doctors can check his enzyme levels. Very, very scary especially right on the heels of my younger brother's death from Heart Failure. I am very anxious about this, which is why I am in need of some extra downtime right now. Just trying very hard to keep some of my sanity in check. Any good thoughts or prayers which you can send my fathers way would be greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Well-Spent Day Brings Happy Sleep-Leonardo da Vinci
May you always be able to find something, even the smallest thing, which will help you to fall into a deep, happy sleep at the end of your day.
Angel Daughter Number Two,
I am grateful.,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
OH, The Places You'll Go!
But she is lovely. She is caring and compassionate, and although she is our wild-child in so many ways, she has a great love of home and family.
In less than two weeks, AD2 will be graduating from high school. For some children, school comes naturally and with ease. Not AD2. She has always been the type of child who needed to be doing something. Being fed information was not her learning style and so, she struggled at times. She had to work harder because the basic concept of school as, sit in your seat and listen, seemed to go against her very nature. But she did it! And not only that, she got accepted to more than one college, one of which she will be attending in the fall.
Last night was her Senior Prom. She looked like a princess. Going to a store and buying a prom dress off of the rack was not original enough for her, so she went up to Los Angeles, chose a beautiful fabric, designed the dress and then found a tailor who could make the dress that she wanted. Amazingly enough, the cost of her prom dress ended up being less than a ready-made one would have been. When AD2 wants something done, she finds a way. One of the many benefits of having a spirit which knows no boundaries. She knows that she can do anything that she puts her mind to, and she encourages others to do the same.
You should have seen how proud AD2 was when she found out that she had been voted, "Most Diseased With Senioritis" by her graduating class. We all laughed and laughed about it because we understand that not everyone is cut from the same mold. AD2 stayed true to her own spirit while doing what she needed to do to keep within the boundaries of what was acceptable. She did it, but she did it her own way. She honored what was unique and original about herself. Maybe we should take a moment to recognize the wild-child who lives within our own spirits and do something to honor our own unique abilities.
May you find a way, this week, to say, "To heck with what anyone else thinks of me. What do I think of myself?", and then do something to celebrate!
Angel Daughter Number Two,
Taking Flight
Thursday, June 5, 2008
My Angel on the Edge
My wish for you is the same. May you always find a soft place to land, when you need to rest your wings. May you always be surrounded by loved ones who can help to lift you back up when you are, once again, ready to soar.
P.S.-Kitties are angels who have furry wings.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Spiritual Rhythm
My family has gone home and I will be spending an extra night alone, with my loyal, loving companion, Becca, our wonderful nine year old dog. I love my husband and our four angels with all of my heart, but I sometimes need to be alone, with myself. I need to pay attention to the circadian rhythms of my own soul and that is difficult to do when I am so in tune with those who I am innately connected with.
Sometimes, we need to take some time to reconnect with ourselves.
My wish for you, is that you take the time which you need to readjust your own rhythms. Make some time to reconnect with your soul's own voice, so that you can hear the sound of your breathing reach sync with whatever beckons your spirit.
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