Sometimes when I am wandering around with my camera in hand, I spot things that remind me of some of my blogging friends. In the time that I have been blogging, I have come to consider so many of you as my friends. I pop in to check on you, as you do me. We read about each other's days. We laugh at each other's jokes.(thank you,
Ms. TJ) Our hearts ache with one another's pain. As I was going through some of the photos that I recently shot, I found some that were taken with a particular blogging friend in mind. I am going to share some of those with you here. This is something that I hope to do more of in the future, as you
all mean so very much to me.
This first image was taken a few days ago from the front yard of my beach house. It is a picture of Catalina Island at dusk. I cannot always see it as there is usually a lot of marine layer(fog) which hides the island from view. Catalina Island is off the coast of Southern California. It is a tourist destination, but much of the island is uninhabited. The small town of Avalon is filled with small shops, restaurants and other sight-seeing opportunities. The only way to get to Catalina is by boat or helicopter which makes it fairly remote. This photo was taken with
JoJoin mind. She once wrote about her "bucket list" and how she would like to take her husband to Catalina Island. I snapped this picture with JoJo in mind, but I am posting it for anyone who has ever wished that they could run off to a remote island.(even for just a few hours!)

As I was wandering around the quaint streets of San Juan Capistrano, I spotted this beautiful Madonna statue. Although I am Jewish, I admire the iconic beauty of various religious figures and what they stand for. One of my dear blogging friends,
Kathleen, often refers to her connection with the Madonna. When I spotted this one, I just had to take a picture of it. I felt a sense of calmness just looking at it.

This photo was also taken in San Juan Capistrano. There are so many lovely, old homes lining the streets of the Los Rios district. When I stopped to admire the color, shadows of light and the angles on this home, I was reminded of the wonderful paintings that
Catherine Holman creates. Cathie's creations and her stories illicit a sense of calmness in this often crazy world that we live in. Looking at this little house made me stop and think about Catherine. She paints such lovely places to hideaway inside of.

Another one of my favorite bloggers recently wrote about shells and butterfly wings. I recently spotted this beautiful Monarch butterfly, perching on a plant. It was kind enough to pose for a quick photo. It made me stop and think about
Roxanne at River Garden Studio, and how she constantly inspires me to be more creative.

And finally, there is this gorgeous little lady. Mark and I saw her flitting her way down the street in Laguna Beach. She went from one shop to another, collecting her daily snacks from the shop keepers. Please check out her toenails.

I swear her owner was wearing the same color nail polish on his toes. I suppose that's what love is all about.
Hallie and all of my other Doxie loving blogging friends, this little baby is for you. There aren't many people that I think about when I see a Doxie in a pink-leopard tutu with matching pearls. That is a category all unto itself.
These are just a few of my wonderful blogging buddies. There are so many more. I have linked the sites of these special people up to their names. If you get a free moment, stop by and say hello. It's interesting because I find that all good bloggers are connected to one another, somehow, so you may already know these lovely individuals. I feel very lucky to have connected with each and every one of you. If I wasn't able to include a picture that made me think about you, I will in the future. Friendship is like that. The simplest things can cause us to stop and think about someone we care about when we least expect it. It's always a welcome surprise!
May this day spark thoughts of the people you care about. May you find a way to tell them how much you care.