My oldest Angel has taken to baking interesting and intricate cakes which require working with something called fondant.
Fondant. Just the word sounds messy and complicated!

So when she showed up on Halloween morning with her boyfriend,
The Cheesemiester(a nickname gained after a Pizza-Hut commercial that he starred in) and her best friend from middle school, to create a masterpiece, I knew it would be amusing. They baked a blood-red cake. They created the fondant and used black food coloring to achieve the dark, black as night color. They pounded and kneaded for thirty to forty minutes each, coating their hands in Crisco so that the black food coloring would not stain their skin. The Cheesemiester definitely enjoyed this activity the most!(Boys!) And when everything was finished, they carefully rolled out the fondant(Can you tell I like using that word?) into a thin layer. They then placed it gingerly over the top of the cake and cut around the edges so that it would fit perfectly. The entire project took several hours...
which is probably why there were exuberant high-fives going on when the cake was finally completed!(That and the exorbitant amount of powdered sugar, marshmallow and frosting they ingested.)

Lots of pictures were taken.

Muscles were displayed with pride.

Until AD1 sensed what was going on behind her head,

and she turned around to take a bite out of her boyfriend's finger!

The finished product was a cake for a birthday/Halloween party with a
Vampire theme. HBO has been running a series called True Blood for the past year and a half which features, you guessed it,
Vampires.(and Werewolves!) I watched it first season, but have yet to catch up on the second one. It is pretty scary!

My oldest Angel Daughter who has the most vivid imagination, LOVES SCARY! My sweet, never hurt a fly, spiritual, beautiful Angel Daughter LOVES SCARY!!!

Which is why she transformed herself from this...

INTO THIS...(Sorry, Micah!)

for Halloween!(No animals were actually harmed during the photographing of this Vampire!)

Mark is so proud of his little Vampire!(No Daddies were harmed, either.)

And since AD1 would never consider harming another living thing, she brought her own supply of
Tru Blood to the party. Tru Blood is a synthetically prepared drink created specifically for Vampires who choose to live(or un-live), as vegetarians.(It's actually orange soda, but don't tell anyone.)

From fondant to fangs. Sometimes we need to challenge ourselves by taking the things that scare us the most and facing them head on!
Happy November, dear hearts!
I just recently learned about fondant and it is not easy to work with...great job AD!
Delightful, Delicious, Delovely post Debbie.....beautiful story, great pics and a happy ending......Ahhhhh!
Happy November to you, hubby, angel daughters.....AND especially Micah and of course Callie! (Have I forgotten anyone?)
:) :) :) :) :)
...what fun! love the pic with micah...he is VERY photogenic. bet the cake was yummy...it looks great! xo, mickey
had a fun reading this post:) she look amazing in vampire:) lol... how you doing Deb?
I'm all about facing fears these days...but Debbie...what is a Fondant...exactly? I have to look this up now. Your daughter's are all so gorgeous...must be their Mom's love shining through!
What a great cake! I have tried the fondant before and it takes more patience than I could ever have.
That was so fun, Debbie and your daughter is GORGEOUS!!!! My daughter loves baking too. She is going to start the Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute and specialize in baking :)
Thanks too, for visiting me and leaving such sweet words for my sister. You really made a difference for me and I appreciate it!
Hugs to You, Debbie :)
I love all these photos!!! I'm glad no daddies or animals were harmed. Your daughter is GORGEOUS!!! Fresh faced beauty she is.
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