There are times in our lives when we act and react without taking the time that we need in order to rest and reflect. In some ways, this can be attributed to the fact that we neglect and forget to focus on the frailties of our humanness. We are both quite fragile and quite resilient all at the same time. Yet the idea of being fragile can be very overwhelming and so most of us tend to live our lives in the
resiliency realm, where things feel more comfortable...Temporarily.

If we do not honor our need to just be, to just reflect, to take a hot bath, to read a story or to learn something new, then we are ignoring the fact that these are things which we are
supposed to do.

If we do not take the time to refresh our spirits, to reconnect with a Source much bigger than ourselves, then we can never be our best. There is a time for work, a time to bustle around, and a time to do...

And then; there is a time to just
be. Allow yourself to breathe in the spirit of the sabbath. Give yourself permission to rest.
Shabbat Shalom-Welcome the Sabbath.
May you take the time you need to renew and refresh.
Your words tonight are the balm to my broken, tired and hurting soul. I was just sitting here trying to talk myself out of going to Mass in the morning, which I really need to do to recharge my batteries and get through the coming week and right before I go to bed, I signed on to see if you have updated and you, my sister-friend had the words I needed to sorely here...just be. So I am just going to be at Mass tomorrow seeking solace and renewal for this broken body and soul. I think God keeps you on payroll to minister to me. Thanks for the words. You're the best.
Dearest Debra,
Oh my dear, you speak truth...and we are on the same wavelength indeed. The word "restoration" serenaded me last weekend as I lingered in bed. Yes, restoring ourselves is essential and non-negotiable; and that vibe is radiating from me to you and all the spaces in between, above, below and around. Thank you for keeping the reminder going. And..I love the pics of the pets...adorable! Be well and enjoy our time of renewal.
love you much...
...Same back atcha Angel Deb! I hope you're enjoying your Sunday with your Angel Family...
...And btw, are those ears on that cat or two satellite dishes? lol... Too cute! :o)
...Blessings Angel Family...
Yes, we can learn a lot from cats... LOVE those ears. Thanks and blessing to you too! xxoo
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