This man. This man who felt like home from the moment I met him. This man who grabbed ahold of my heart and would not let go. This man, whose eyes I looked into at the very young age of eighteen and immediately recognized my future. This handsome, loyal, honest, more than hard-working, funny, dedicated, testosterone-driven, adorable, decent man is my husband of twenty-five years.

And I have to take this opportunity, on the eve of our twenty-fifth anniversary and on the event of my 201st post, to say thank you.
And to mention a few of the more than a million reasons why we are where we are, today.
-Saying hello to me on the hill by the Carrier Dome.
-Knowing that you were there by seeing your dorm room light go on from my dorm room.
-Taking me to the top of a ski slope in Spring to tell me that you loved me.
-Dancing at Bugsy's and Poets.
-Eating Toasted Honey Buns with vanilla ice cream at Cosmos.
-Burnt Hamburgers
-Camping with Whitney.
-Springsteen concert in Saratoga Springs when he played, Who'll Stop the Rain and then he waved to us.
-Working at the library together.
-The little notes I wrote to you in the Syracuse paper that you kept in your wallet.(You still have them.)
-Knowing that my dad liked you.
-That you knew my grandfather.
-Long walks in Santa Ana.
-The smell of orange trees.
-Buying our first home in Laguna Niguel.
-Speeding in the red corvette when I was in labor with AD1. You were so excited to be able to speed for a reason!
-Becoming parents for the first time.
-Buying our second home in Laguna Hills.
-Giving birth to AD2 and noticing that she was born with a rat-tail!
-Never cutting that rat-tail.
-The way that you treated my grandma.
-The way that my grandma ADORED you!
-Putting up with my mother.
-The Best-Man speech that you gave at Tony's first wedding.
-Angel Daughter Number Three on a very rainy day. Her deep belly-laugh.
-Chipmunk crawling up AD1's leg.
-The way that you loved my brother.
-Being pregnant, and pregnant, and pregnant, and pregnant AGAIN, and loving every minute of it.
-You putting your mouth up against my stretched belly to talk to our babies.
-The birth of AD4, our little surprise:)
-The way that our daughters all fell asleep on your chest when they were babies.
-The way that you allowed them to sit high up on your shoulders wherever we went.
-The way that AD4 would hold onto your ears.
-People asking if they are all ours.
-You showing up at all school activities and then going back to work.
-Moving to Ladera.
-Taking over the physical stuff when I became sick.
-Never complaining about my illness.
-Enjoying AD1's plays and choir performances, AD2's cheerleading, AD3's track and field competitions, and AD4's dance competitions.
-Whitney, Elijah, Becca, Mica, Cleo, Coury, Dusty, Sammy, Chloe, Harley, Jasmine, Arnie, Max Callie, Jersey, Momma and Rex!
-Hearing you come in the door everyday.
-The way that you schlep the girls wherever and whenever they need to go someplace.
-You always being there whenever we need you.
-Sea glass hunting.
-Loving you more after twenty-five years than I did on the day that I wore the white, puffy, princess dress and became your wife.

To our past, to our now and to our future.
Happy 25th, my love.