For all that I have been through...Must still go through...These are the faces that make it all worthwhile. My growing daughters. My Angels. Each a singular being unto themselves, but also a part of something bigger. Much, much bigger.
Beauty, growth and transformation...
With each step towards their independence, I envision what is possible, and I take a step towards mine, knowing that our futures will forever be intermingled.
For we are all headed there anyway. Towards our futures. Even in this second, this minute, this hour, this day...So why not head there with acceptance, togetherness and joy?
*AD4 and AD1. Our cat Callie. Baking Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread together.
Creating. Working together. Learning from one another until we forget who knew it first.
*Angel Daughter Number Three
Stopping to share a moment even on the busiest of days. Reminding one another that we are family.
*Angel Daughter Number Four
Incidentally, it might be the eyes that give it away.(that we are family)
Or the group hugs.
Or someone's constant need to make everyone else in the family laugh.(Sorry, Micah:))
*San Clemente sunset on October 24, 2009
But at the end of the day, life is good. Very, very good. Because that is the way that I see it.
And regardless of all the background noise that sometimes tries to muck up the music, the soundtrack of my life, of our lives together, will always be We are Family(by Sister Sledge). And if you happen to be someplace with us and that song comes on, be prepared to DANCE with abandon. Because that is what we will do.
I am one very lucky woman.