Monday, September 26, 2011

What the Falcon Told me

While watching this very majestic Falcon land on our patio chair this afternoon, its visit brought with it a moment of complete clarity.  As we sat, eye to eye, beast to beast, this winged creature relayed a message so pure that it almost startled me into believing that this bird had spoken out loud.   "No matter what else is going on in our lives at any given moment, it is still our complete responsibility to soar in spite of it all."  In spite of it all.

Soar, my friends, my children, and even myself.  If you think you cannot do it; soar.  If someone has hurt you and you just do not feel like you will ever be able to do it again; soar.  And if someone has done something that has made you feel puny, sad, lonely, small, insignificant, blue, crushed, incapable, unable, less than, ugly, fat, unheard, stupid, fill-in-your own blanks here; then soar anyway.  Never give anyone the power to clip your glorious wings.  You were placed here to soar in spite of what life might bring on.  Fly high, dear hearts, fly high...


Miss A said...

I heard you!
I think I very much like how in touch you seem to be with nature and how nature speaks to you.
Have a good week!

Mark said...

Very nice.
I'm starting to watch my oldest son finally doing this.
Your Friend, m.
p.s. Do you often have conversations with birds? Should I be worried?

Renee said...

Beautiful~ YES...Soar! I love it Debbie....just what I needed this morning.

WV LeAnn said...

Thank you!!!!! I needed to read that TODAY. So glad I checked in.

37paddington said...

dear deb, this is good advice for today. for always. bless you.

Renee said...

hello again
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog :) I just read a quote this morning that says...."If you are lucky enough to have a house by the sea, you are lucky enough" author unknown....I would say blessed enough though...don't believe much in luck! The reason I thought of you is that earthing can be done on the beach, and actually is a good place to do it...just walking barefoot or being barefoot on the earth. My husband has less pain and I have more herxing(die off of bacteria) and detoxing in my body. Interesting! I also have this sense of well being and like I DESIRE to using the indoor earthing just makes me FEEL better? I am looking forward to how this is going to help. Hope it is helpful for you too!

WV LeAnn said...

I just had to get on and read this AGAIN. So inspiring and powerful! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post I enjoyed it so very much. I love and enjoy visits that hawks make to me now and then. They always have a message. There is a lot of terrific lessons in nature if we just learn to listen and pay attention. Hugs Debra

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