Occasionally, a very brazen seagull will follow behind me on foot, using it's voice to remind me that it is hungry and would like me to provide it with food. I turn around and try to convince the little guy that I do not have anything to share otherwise I surely would, but they never seem to believe me. So I walk along with my companion in tow, quietly talking to him about my thoughts until he gives up and returns to his flock. On this particular day, however, I was approached not by ground, but by sky. At first, it wasn't quite registering that this seagull was trying to get my attention, but then...
He gave me the eye. I almost turned around and gave him that famous line, "Are you talking to me?", but then I realized that he was probably way too young to get it, so I just laughed out loud instead. I thought about running away, as his wingspan was a lot more intimidating when he was only several feet away from me, but I was far too amused to give into fear.
He lingered effortlessly in the air for quite some time and I was awestruck by this glorious creature, a creature who was trying to communicate with me as I stood there taking pictures of him. I think he found the camera to be quite a curious object and so we stared at each other for a few seconds. He hovered closer and I was amazed by the intelligence that seemed to project through his eyes. This bird wanted to connect in some way, and whether that was out of his need for food or curiosity, the intention was very, very clear. He sought me out, got my attention, and held it until we made a connection of sorts.
As he flew back to be with the rest of his flock, I couldn't shake the feeling that something very spiritual had just occurred. I could have just brushed the experience off as just a coincidence, but then I know in my soul that there really are no coincidences. I also know that angels can approach us in so many different forms if we remain open to their appearances. Lucky me...
If your travels bring you face to face with an angel, I hope that you will keep your spirit open to the possibility. You are not alone. You are never alone.
"For most gulls, it is not flying that matters, but eating.
For this gull, though, it was not eating that mattered,
but flight."
-From Jonathan Livingston Seagull
You are a poet. So pretty. I love the beach in winter.
AWESOME photos and great words of wisdom!!!!
Hugs Laura
So beautiful. It looked like those birds were coming at me!
We lived near the beach when my oldest were babies. I loved going in the cooler weather when no one was there. My son thought that when the seagulls flew over and flapped their wings that they were waving to him. He would just be hanging out in the backpack waving back to them with all his little might. Hard to believe he is almost 18!
Amazing pictures and wonderful thoughts to go with them!
Wow, Deb.
Just wow.
I just had an angel experience this morning, well, several, while piecing together KJ's quilt. I almost could step out of myself and watch the interaction between me, the angel and the sewing machine. I would start to sew, then *something* would urge me to check a seam or the thread or something and had I not listened, I would have really screwed up the quilt. As a point of reference, I looked back over the row I sewed and the one place that I brushed off the *someone's suggestion to check something* I have to rip out and resew.
Alabama was right...There ARE angels amongst us".
Loved the pictures but I am scared.to.death of seagulls. We made the big mistake of eating on the beach in Virginia one day and I got swarmed by a flock. Still, you captured their beauty and I enjoyed getting a "safe" look at them.
...Oooo, I got goosebumps! I always feel the same way too Angel Deb. It seems that animals "connect" just at a certain time or moment that somehow leaves you feeling that you were just part of something very special...
...I know I was told as a very young girl that Angels appear to us in many ways and forms and I choose to believe it...believing so makes for a better life. ;o)
...Blessings to you Angel Deb and Angel Family... :o)
Those photos are amazing! I can't believe how close he came to you. You really captured so much beauty in those pictures!
Debbie...those photos are divine! So amazing. What incredible birds they are!
Always inspiring dear friend...
Thanks for being such an encouragement... :-) I'll email you in a moment...
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