Thursday, November 6, 2008

Setting an Intention

If we can hold onto one another for just a moment longer than usual; if we can synchronize our hearts to beat in unison.  If we can feel love in the breath of a whisper as it brushes past our ears.  And hear the words that sometimes go left unsaid.  If we can honor, truly honor, the essence of someone else's spirit and respect one another's need to be understood.  Then maybe, just maybe, we have accomplished everything there was to do today.


kim-d said...

Now, THERE is some food for thought. I sometimes think that in our quest to make sure WE are the ones who are understood, we forget that others have that same need. I think it seems like a really good time for many of us to start to try to be a little less me-centered and a little more we-centered. If I am able to do this, you will deserve LOTS of credit :).

As always, Deb, you are the BEST!


Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

This is so hard: "respect one another's need to be understood" when the ego competes to trump and win. I try to think about every word you post, and not breeze past it as poetry. Sometimes, it's my devotion for the day!

Anonymous said...

You cut to the chase, pure and simple. Yes, that is all that ever needs to be accomplished, every day, any day. Thank you for the gentle reminder.

Debbie said...

You give us the best photos and inspiration. Thank you!

Irene Latham said...

What a gorgeous post. I think you need to put your thoughts together is some sort of bound daily affirmation/meditation book. This one I could read over and over. xxoo

Catherine Holman said...

Simply put and yet so beautiful!

Teresa said...

As a Mother of one daughter- four boys-
This post touched my heart
Thanks for sharing-
I came over from The Inspired Room-
You have a wonderful blog-

Debra said...


Wow, four boys and a girl! You are definitely a busy mom!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me such a lovely comment. I tried to visit your blog but blogger said it was a closed blog. Please come visit again!


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